Back by popular demand! This year we went back to the Atlanta Community Food Bank for our volunteering day. This was our third time helping them fight hunger in our community. It was our pleasure to support them and the wonderful work that they do. Our team enjoyed a day of giving back to the community.
The mission of the Atlanta Community Food Bank is to fight hunger by engaging, educating and empowering our community. While their core work is food distribution, their efforts extend far beyond that. Their mission is lived out every day through seven projects that help engage, educate and empower both people in need and those who want to help. From supporting community gardens to assisting people in finding economic security, the Food Bank covers a wide range of opportunities for people to learn and get involved. The seven projects are Atlanta Prosperity Campaign, Atlanta’s Table, Community Gardens, Hunger 101, Hunger Walk/Run, Kids In Need and Product Rescue Center.
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