Travel ban

International Travel for the Holidays and Omicron: What you need to know.

International Travel for the Holidays and Omicron: What you need to know. International travel rules changed again. The omicron variant of COVID in southern Africa and its detection around the world has sparked a host of new travel requirements and, in some cases, outright bans — further complicating international trips that were just starting to […]

International Travel for the Holidays and Omicron: What you need to know. Read More »

Revoked: Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market.

Revoked: Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market. Yesterday, February 25, 2021, United States President Joseph Biden revoked the suspension of entry imposed in Proclamation 10014 of April 22, 2020 (Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market During the

Revoked: Suspension of Entry of Immigrants Who Present a Risk to the United States Labor Market. Read More »